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Training #2

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Hello everyone,


Hope you all are doing well and your fall is off to a good start! 


I am including below the link to two videos. The first video is of the in person training and the second video is a review and explanation of how to create events and attendance logs. Please be aware that I made a minor change to the communication tab ( now only accessible when you log in and on the left side) it is not updated in the video. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I will also post this text in the communication tab on the CIVI site so you all are welcome to post comments there as well! Please be on the lookout for an additional video by the end of the week. 


To answer your questions: 


1. ALL student information needs to be in CIVI and not the currently application on our website.  (This will be updated in the near future)

2. I am still working on how to make the enrollment forms multiple languages. 

3. You can create your own events ( with the approval of YDSM) 

4. I will send a video tomorrow on Contact Notes ( previously known as SOAP notes) 




Thank you,


Hawi Wako